It is Friday again and you have all worked very hard. We are so glad to see a mix of online learning, pencil and paper activities and lots of practical activities. It is good to have a balance!
This week we all thought about kindness and tried to do something kind. I really enjoyed hearing about the little acts of kindness and seeing your photos. Thank you.
Well, Study Ladder has been going full steam and there are lots of awards to share!
Emily has been awarded her Gold Ribbon! Well done Emily!
Jake has been awarded his Gold Trophy! Well done Jake!
Jenson has been awarded his Platinum Certificate! Brilliant Jenson!
Sam and Thomas have been awarded their Silver Trophy's! Well done to you both!
Victoria and Zoe have been awarded their Bronze Trophy's! Well done girl's!
Jenson, Sam, Emily and Jake have been working really well on Bug Club. Their answers show that they really understand what they are reading. Well done!
Thomas, Zoe , Emily Jake and Victoria have all be reading books and quizzing on AR. They passed all their quizzes! Brilliant!
This week the Primary 3 certificate is going to a very kind little girl, who has worked extremely hard over this past few weeks on AR. She has been reading books at exactly the right level for her and also working steadily on Study Ladder. I am delighted to award the Primary 3 certificate to Zoe!
P2 awards this week - You are all winners!
Bronze Trophy - Caleb
Silver Trophy - Isaac J and Matthew
Gold Trophy - Amelia, Harry, Isaac A, Isaac R, Jack, Jessica and Lois
Platinum Trophy - Joanna
A huge pat on the back to everyone and to the mums and dads for the great job that they are doing too!
A wee reminder that Monday is a bank holiday so that means a day off from school work!!!
The P2 certificate this week goes to Jack for brilliant work on Study Ladder and working steadily on all his other methods of learning at home! And also sending me some great photos of him and his family every week. It brightens my day to see all your smiling faces! Well done!
Week beginning Monday 18th May.
Good morning boys and girls,
I wonder what you will get up to this week! Last week was very eventful and I really enjoyed the change of activities.
This week is Eco-Week, and as you know we are an Eco School and have been awarded our Third Green Flag, so Eco is no problem to us! So if anyone fancies something different to do this week, why not try a few Eco activities. You don't have to do these but it might be a change.
This week is also 'Action Mental Health Week' and it is focusing on 'Kindness'. This reminded me of the quote we have up in our classroom:
‘In a world where you can be anything.... be kind’.
Maybe you could do something kind for your mum or dad. They are working so hard with home schooling and are doing a wonderful job!
We are continuing with our 'Rainbow Topic' and I know everyone is enjoying all the bright and colourful art that links with the rainbow.
Primary 2 will continue spellings in the new Prim-ed book and learning number facts for 9.
Primary 3 you will be working on Unit 28 for Spellings this week and the number facts for 19 - adding and subtracting.
I have also added some Area activities onto Study ladder for you that you should enjoy.
If you have registered for the Healthy Kidz Virtual Sports Day (optional) you will find information on the High Jump and Egg and Spoon race on pages 8-11 of the information booklet in the separate folder. It looks like great fun!
Please keep sending us your photos, they mean so much to everyone,
Have fun!
From Mrs Hughes and Mrs McKee
Some of the boys and girls might like to read other books than just books on Bug Club so we would like to recommend Oxford Owl.
My Class name is cortamlet
My class password is owl23 (all lowercase).
The books are in age groups or colour coded and you all know the colour band you have been reading. Some of the books are on AR. If you have any problems just send a wee email and we will try to help.
Happy reading!
A Message from Christine:
Are your kids missing hockey ?
Do you want them getting outside for more activity?
CR HOCKEY can now come to you!!!
Whilst adhering to the NI executive restrictions where 4-6 people can meet outdoors I can offer private family sessions in the comfort of your own outdoor area whilst ensuring social distancing where appropriate.
If you think your kids would LOVE this, get in touch with me for;
🏑Session Duration