It's Friday again boys and girls, the end of Week 11 of Home Learning and you have worked as hard as ever! There are a lot of rewards to announce and hard workers to mention.
This week on Study Ladder the awards go to:
Emily, who was awarded her Platinum Medal! Brilliant Emily!
Jake, who was awarded his Silver Medal! Well done to Jake!
And Victoria and Sam, who were awarded their Bronze Ribbon! Well done Sam and Victoria!
Thomas, Emily Jake and Sofia have been quizzing away on AR. Sofia read over 36 minutes per day! That is amazing Sofia, we know you are a book worm!
Thomas, Emily and Jake have been busy reading on Bug Club, doing all their activities and answering the questions with super spelling, punctuation and grammar. Well done to you all!
The Primary 3 certificate of the week is going to a boy who loves being outdoors, has very green fingers and has been looking after his new container garden very carefully during lockdown. Kris is awarded the certificate this week, Well done Kris, I hope you enjoy everyone one of those delicious strawberries.
P2 have been really busy this week too, quite a few of you sent in your favourite memories of P2 which was lovely to share with everyone. All of you have worked away on Study Ladder, 5 children achieved 2 awards this week - Matthew, Amelia, Joanna, Lois and Jessica! So there were lots of points being earned! Well done everyone!
4 children earned their Gold Ribbon - Isaac A, Isaac J, Matthew and Jessica - super job!
Caleb achieved his Platinum Trophy- excellent!
2 children were awarded the Platinum Ribbon - Harry and Isaac R - super work boys!
3 children gained their Bronze Medal - Amelia, Jack and Lois -amazing you three!
And Joanna was awarded the Silver Medal - fantastic!
It was lovely to read all the things you remembered and enjoyed about P2, we will have lots of great memories to make next year in P3!!
This week the P2 certificate is going to a boy who achieved two awards on Study Ladder and was the first to send me his P2 memory! He loved the visit from two little new born lambs, he showed his excellent ICT skills with his piece of work.
So congratulations Matthew! Well done!
Monday 15th June 2020
Week 11.
Hello boys and girls,
This week in school, we would have been organising 'Meet your new Teacher!' We can't do that and P2 you already know your that your new teachers aren't really that new, you know them and they know you very well!
Primary 3, I am so glad that you all know Mrs Rice, and you know that Mrs Nicholson will be moving on with you to Primary 4, to keep you company!
Twice a week the teachers have a staff meeting and Mrs Rice is up to speed about how Primary 3 are getting on! She knows how hard you work and she can't wait to see you all in the new school year.
This week we would like everyone to write about their favourite memory in P2 or P3 and what you are looking forward to doing in your new class! It doesn't have to be long, just a few sentences and maybe an illustration. Ask mum or dad to send us a photo to share.
Your Study Ladder tasks are up and ready to go and the details for the Farm Safety Competition are below. Don't forget about the road safety education activities too. I will put them up when they are emailed to me.
Well done boys and girls, keep the photos coming, they help us all feel better and keep in touch,
From Mrs Hughes and Mrs McKee
Farm Safety Competition
To enter children should draw or paint a picture based on the key dangers on the farm from one of the following categories:
The theme for the week (Mon 15th - Fri 19th June) for our child safety poster competition is - Dangers from tractors and other farm machinery.
To enter our competition all children need to do is draw a poster on a plain A3 or A4 page about the Dangers from tractors and other farm machinery.
Parents/Caregivers just need to take a photograph of the completed poster and email to safestart@hseni.gov.uk by Friday 19th June at 4pm. Please remember to include the child's name, age, school and a contact number for the parent/caregiver in the covering email. The winner will be notified next week.
Children of Primary school age can enter with the chance to win a £30 One4all gift voucher
Road Safety Education - Week 3 Task (Child Passenger Safety)
This week, the theme is passenger safety and the Road Safety Education team would like parents will use the opportunity to check the height of their children, what child seats are in current use, whether they are suitable and of course if the seats are fitted correctly.
There is also a worksheet (one for 4-7 years and one for 8-11 years) which can be used to reinforce the learning for the child but are not intended to be used in isolation.
Libraries NI is delighted to announce details of ‘Silly Squad’, Summer Reading Challenge 2020 produced by
The Reading Agency and delivered by libraries which will take place from Monday 15 June.
The Silly Squad, Summer Reading Challenge, is a free, exciting way to keep
young people aged 4 - 11 years reading during the summer months.
Children can sign up for free here.