Friday 1st May
It's Friday again boys and girls! The weeks just fly in and I can hardly believe it's May already. Well done to Grace for achieving a silver certificate on Study Ladder. Louis and Mina have now got their gold and Sam has achieved his platinum certificate. Well done everyone for home learning this week, you have worked really hard and it will be good to get a rest for the weekend. Stay safe and have a great weekend.
Hi boys and girls welcome to week 4 of home learning. We hope that you are settling into a routine again after the Easter break. I am really missing you all and I wish we were back at school so that I could see all the Busy Bees and Primary 1's. Last week was lovely and I was thinking a lot about how we would be really enjoying our outdoor play at this time.
The last week in April would see an end to our current topic which is new life and spring. This week our story would have been 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. We would usually read the story together a few times and do lots of activities around the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar. I love this story and I know you would too. A lot of us may already have the book of the Hungry Caterpillar at home. Have a look around for it and if you find it get mum or dad to read it to you. If you don't have the book at home then you could search for the story on youtube where you could listen to someone else telling the story. I hope you enjoy it! Have a look around your garden and see if you can find any caterpillars.
Look on the tops and bottoms of leaves for caterpillars. They are more likely to feed on young, immature growth and on leaves of plants that are isolated. Notice if parts of the leaves appear eaten. On trees, also look for leaves that are curled. A caterpillar may be feeding near damaged leaves or inside a rolled leaf. You may see one traveling along the bark of a tree or stem of a plant, or in a crack or crevice of a branch. Happy caterpillar hunting!