Monday 1st March
Hello boys and girls, welcome to week 8 of home learning. This will be the last week of home learning for a little while as we are able to go back to school next week. I’m so excited to see you all, I can’t wait to catchup and see all the Busy Bees and P1’s.
This week is an exciting one for home learning as it is ‘World Book Day’ on Thursday. You will see on your home learning planner that this week we would like you to show us a picture or short video of you with your favourite book.
This week we also have an extreme reading competition for you. The winner of the competition will receive an Amazon book token for showing us a picture of the most interesting and exciting place they have found to read. Get your mum or dad to take a picture of you reading in the most exciting and extreme place you can find. You can send your photo to me via email by Thursday at the latest. The winner will be announced at the end of the week. I can’t wait to see all the exciting places you find to read.
Everyone will also get a £1 book token which you can use to spend on a book which you can order online. I will email the book tokens to everyone this week. I think that would be a great treat for completing 8 weeks of home learning. A new book would be a lovely treat!
Have a great week everyone!