Enjoy your half term break P6 and P7!
We all had a fantastic class party which was deserved by all!
We have been busy learning a new skill this week and making our own tapestry designs. It takes a lot of patience!
Some of us have been using k’nex and our imaginations to create new structures.
It’s been a busy week for Primary 6 and 7…
The PSNI visited school to talk to us about keeping safe online especially when so many of us love to play online games. Their message was very relevant and was a great reminder about what to do to keep ourselves safe when using the internet.
We have been writing instructions this week and decided we would make clay animals and write our instructions based on the process of making and painting our animals.
Then we made some tasty pancakes for break and wrote our instructions for the ingredients and method we used.
They were yummy!
We have been learning about 3D Shapes and their properties so we made some posters to help us.
We hope you all enjoy listening to our Christmas songs!
We love practical maths and have been using art straws to make quadrilaterals.
Our task was to measure the area of the football pitch without using a metre stick or trundl wheel. We have been busy working in groups creating metre squares from paper. Let’s see how accurate we can be!
Christmas craft club
On a Wednesday afternoon we have been enjoying making some Christmas crafts...it’s never too early. We also get to enjoy a tasty snack and a drink after our hard day at school!
Today the police visited school to talk to us about Road Safety and Stranger Danger.
Then we all had the chance to sit inside the police car!
A wee treat before our half term holidays...Chocolate Apples!
Autumn walk 2021
P6 and P7 really enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and appreciating the nature all around our school. We had a busy time collecting as many blackberries as we could find to make some blackberry crumble when we got back to the classroom. We all agreed that some custard and our crumble would have been perfect!