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Home Learning 11th Jan


Well done boys and girls, we have made it thorough our first full week of home learning second time round!

Primary 3, you have all been on Study Ladder and most of you have been working away on Bug Club and on Accelerated Reader as well.


Our certificate this week is going to Lois Johnston! I can see that Lois has been working hard at home on her Pack, Accelerated Reader, Study Ladder, Bug Club and she has been doing the extra 'Construction' activities set on our class page. Well done Lois! I am really glad to see that your handwriting is very neat and tidy. You have read and checked your work and definitely tried your best! An excellent start to home learning Lois!smiley



In Primary 3 we are learning to take our time and form our letters very carefully. We are learning to check our work as well. We ask ourselves:

Is this the best I can do?

How can I make it better?

Do I have capital letters and full stops?

Are my sentences exiting and interesting?


This week the P2 certificate goes to Sam, he has been working away on his pack and on Study Ladder! Well done Sam, keep up the good work!

A very 'Happy New Year' boys and girls. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and that you got a special present! The first day back to school in January is always one of my favourite days because I get to hear about all the exciting things that has happened over the holidays.

Mrs Hughes and I would really like to hear all your Christmas news, so please send us some photos and messages that we can share on our class page. I have no doubt that Santa brought farm machinery that I have never heard of before, Lego sets that will take hours to build, beautiful fashion that unfortunately doesn't come in adult sizes, flickers with flashing lights and lots of other amazing presents! We can't wait to hear all the news!

You all worked very hard when we did Home Learning before and I know it will be no problem to you this time. Mrs Hughes and I will be working from home and if any mums or dads need help or advice they can send us a little email and we will answer it as soon as we can.

You can contact Mrs McKee on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at or Mrs Hughes on Thursday or Friday at 


Primary 2 are working on Number Bonds for 7 this month.

7+0=7    6+1=7

5+2=7    4+3=7

3+4=7    2+5=7

1+6=7     0+7=7

It is always good to make these sums practically. You can use counters, cubes or buttons to set them out.


Primary 3 are working on Number Bonds for 16 this month.

16+0=16   15+1=16

14+2=16   13+3=16

12+4=16   11+5=16

10+6=16   9+7=16

8+8=16    7+9=16

6+10=16  5+11=16

4+12=16  3+13=16

2+14=16  1+15=16


Remember to use cubes or counters to set these sums out. This will help you understand what the number 16 really is. For example: It is one 10 and six 1's, it is an even number, it is double 8, it is 4 sets of 4 etc.

If you had 16p to spend at the shop, what coins could you have?

What is the least number of coins you could have?

Can you make 16p using only copper coins?

Make some questions up for your mum or dad and see if they can get the right answer!

Our Topic is ‘Construction’

Look at the buildings you see around you, buildings come in all shapes and sizes. What is your house like? Is it a bungalow or a two story house? Is it detached or maybe semi-detached?

Look at different building materials used for the walls, doors, windows, roof etc.

Maybe you have plans for your house or you could look up builders plans on the internet.

Can you draw a plan of your house? How many bedrooms?

Can you draw a picture of your house or other buildings around you?

Can you use lego or junk materials to make your own construction?

Send us some photos of your creations!

Mrs Hughes and I have organised your home learning pack into week 1 and week 2. We would really like you to do your pack each morning before you do anything else. We have also put some extension activities on Study Ladder for you, if you would like some extra activities to do.


Please don't worry if you don't get everything completed. Reading, spellings and number work are the most important parts. Please read the lovely books in your pack and look after them, we need them back in school for other children to use. I am sure you have lots of story books at home to read too and don't forget about Bug Club! Remember to re-read the books lots of times, because this will help you learn lots of new words, understand the story better and help you read with fluency and expression!


P3 don't forget that your AR targets have been set and you can quiz away! There are lots of AR books on Oxford Owl. The link for Study Ladder and AR is in the Children's section of our website.


Don't forget Boys and Girls that you can still go to assembly with Joyce Walsh or with Colin Tinsley. You will find them both on YouTube.


Please look at CBBC every morning from 9-9.20am, BBC Bitesize (age 5-7) has some really good programs for our class!


Joe Wicks is once again relaunching his live 'PE Lessons' from Monday 11th January at 9am on Wicks' YouTube channel.


Cosmic Kids is a great way to relax, refocus and still build-up strength, balance and confidence. They use stories, role-play and a good portion of silliness to make mindfulness fun for children.


We look forward to seeing your photos.


From Mrs Hughes and Mrs McKee.




Sam has sent us some photos of him playing in the snow and out for his daily mile. It's very important to get lots of fresh air and play outside. I think he is having great fun! Sam has his spellings completed this morning and some cutting out done too.  

Lois has been busy writing about her house, an impressive piece of work with beautiful handwriting. She also built a lego model of her house. She is also showing off her skills on the new flicker that Santa brought.

Great to see Harry reading his AR book! Harry has also sent a pcture of his amazing Milking Parlour he got for Christmas, lots of work to do on the farm Harry! He has also written some information of all the different things that happened at Christmas, well done.
