The PSNI Talk
On Monday 14th January, the PSNI came into our school to deliver a talk on how to keep safe online. It was really interesting and informative. Lots of advice was given to the class and the two policemen commented how well the children listened and interacted.
The Amazing Journey
On 13th March, Aaron Riddle from "The Amazing Journey" programme, spoke to P6/7. Together they learned about the major contributors of the Old and New Testament.
Slieve Gullion
On Wednesday 20th March. The P7s, along with the P7 group from Newtownhamilton Primary, climbed Slieve Gullion. They weather was a bit misty and it was very windy at the peak. Colm and Phil were our guides and they taught us so much about the history surrounding this part of the country. It was really interesting.
This term we have been using microscopes in class to take a closer look at everyday objects. It was really amazing to see the hairs on the stem of a daisy really clearly. Some of us looked at our strands of hair or pieces of ripped paper. Maybe, someday, some of the current P6 7s will turn into prominent scientists. They certainly have the enthusiasm and the potential.
Waste Week
On 19th March, we participated in a class activity based on plastic waste. This is very topical for us as we spent some time studying this topic in term one. Mrs Watson hid some information posters all around the school and P6 7 were given questions to answer using the posters.
Friendly Football Tournament at Newtownhamilton High School
On Tuesday 2nd April, we played against Newtownhamilton Primary, Lisnadill and Hamiltonsbawn Primary Schools. Although it was just a 'kick about', our team played really well and I think we pose a sporting threat to the other schools. All Cortamlet pupils at the football were superb ambassadors. Brilliant play by newbies - Amy Hill and Selina Nicholson!
The Dorsey Dig
On Wednesday 10th April, P6/7 visited an archaeological dig near Slieve Guillion. We learnt all about the Dorsey which was an enclosure established in approximately 95BC. In Gaelic Dorsey means "Door" and this plot of ground was the gateway into the ancient Kingdom of Ulster. The children had a go at excavating on the site and then they attempted to work out the use and age of some ancient artefacts. It was a very interesting and enjoyable trip.
The Ardmore Hockey Tournament
On Wednesday 3rd April, two mixed hockey teams played in the tournament. The pupils had a brilliant time and brought the trophy home again.
Crossfire Not Ashamed
On Monday 15th April, Lindsey and Gareth from CEF delivered the Crossfire Not Ashamed Programme. They spoke on three important points. Firstly, not to be ashamed of belonging to Christ and telling others about Christ; secondly, not to be ashamed of standing up for one another if they see bullying happening in or out of school and thirdly, not to be ashamed of gaming. They allowed children to experience age appropriate X box games in a controlled environment. They reinforced the message about staying safe if they were on line and what they would do if a stranger messaged them whilst gaming. Sensible time limits for gaming were also discussed during the session as they encouraged the children to take time away from devices and do other things. The children had a thoroughly enjoyable morning and really engaged with Lindsey and Gareth.
Break The Rules Day
On our final day before the Easter break, we had a "Break The Rules Day". The rebellious pupils had a brilliant time and the weather turned warm and sunny, just in time for our holiday.
Genie Graham
On Fridays Genie comes into our class to talk about the dangers of alcohol, smoking and drugs. She makes us aware that we are extremely important and very much loved by God. He will protect us from these dangers in our future lives.
The 'Hill of Armagh' Trip
On Wednesday 8th May P6/7 explored Vicar's Hill, the Robinson Library and the Cathedral. We learnt that the Robinson Library is the oldest library in Northern Ireland and we could see the old road which ran from Armagh to Dublin from the back of No. 5 Vicar's Hill. We viewed the original architect's drawing of the Robinson Library and Thomas Chippendale's original furniture designs. In the afternoon, Kevin from Sentinus challenged the class to a k'nex competition to reconstruct any of the buildings we had previously looked at. The class worked really well in pairs. They used their problem solving and thinking skills to produce some really creative work.
The results:
3rd Place Lottie and Amy
2nd Place Luke, Lucas and Alfie Watson
1st Place Seth and Sam Gibson
Taking Pride in Our Lovely School
The P6/7 Eco representatives did some gardening around the school. Hopefully we will see a little sun and our wild flower seeds will start to grow
Loughgall Football Tournament
On May 24th we travelled to Loughgall tournament. It was a great day and our football skills are improving all the time. We were happy to come home with the Shield. Grace was awarded Player of the Team!
Day 1 P7 Manchester Trip
It was a very early start! However that didn’t hinder the children’s excitement. Our sailing was smooth...ish and the weather stayed bright. The P7s enjoyed exploring the boat and chatting to each other. The drive to Greta Green from Cairnryan was long and the dvd machine wasn’t working but no one complained. We ate our lunch in Gretna and had a look around the outlet village. We boarded the bus just after 1 and drove down to the Lake District. Our next destination was an aquarium but it was down a very narrow, twisty road and we faced a lock down situation with another big coach going the other way. It was tight, it was tense but our driver got out and guided the other coach and the hundreds of cars behind it back to a safe place in order for us to pass. The acquarium was brilliant. The kids saw lots of different types of fish, giant snails, otters, even sharks and asked really interesting questions. Finally we arrived at the hotel and we enjoyed our dinner after a long day. Mr. Savage challenged the schools to a football match and we, Cortamlet, knew the outcome before it even started. Obviously we would win! I was manager and player in defense. Luke in goal, Adam, the striker and the rest - all over the place. Unfortunately I only had one touch of the ball which turned out to be a handball which turned into a penalty which turned into a goal to the opposing side. However we still won 3 1 and I was sacked as player. Matthew Johnston was proclaimed ‘Player of the Match’ and won the football we were playing with.
Day 2 P7 Manchester Trip
We started the day with breakfast which the kids really enjoyed. Next we travelled into The Trafford Centre, Manchester to have a look around before heading into Legoland. Legoland was fun! Grace climbed the treadmill frame at top speed with ease. Alfie was making vehicles with the LEGO lying around and I enjoyed a coffee in the LEGO Costa shop. Before we left, we saw a short 4D LEGO film which squirted water at us. I did nod off but that certainly woke me up. After a quick picnic lunch, we went to Chester Zoo, which was amazing. We saw so many animals but a favourite has to be the bat cave. Luke wasn’t a fan of the bats so we exited quickly, carefully and quietly. After dinner we went bowling in Wigan. The children were brilliant bowlers but Adam was extremely good. Without a doubt all kids are having a great time and bonding with all the children from the 3 different schools. I tried to redeem my sporting reputation with bowling but I miserably failed at that as well.
Day 3 P7 Manchester Trip
We spent the whole day in Blackpool. As soon as the kids spied Blackpool Tower from the distance, they became excited. First of all we went to Madame Tussaud’s and saw waxworks of Simon Cowell, Dr. Who and characters from the Marvel Comics amongst others. next we walked along the sea front and ate a picnic lunch at the Pleasure Beach. Finally P7 spent the entire afternoon on the rollercoaster rides. They loved Pepsi Max ride which, at the highest point, is twice the height as The Statue of Liberty. Grace informed me that it had a 93 degree drop. I’m just glad they were using a bit of their maths on the trip. I may not be good at football or bowling but I’m pretty useful at looking after their bags and coats. It was an amazing day and we finished up with a walk along the South pier and dinner in McDonalds.
Day 4 P7 Manchester Trip
It was our last morning and everyone was a little tired at the breakfast tables. Mixed emotions- sad to leave but happy to see our families tonight. On our way back we went to see the Blackburn Rovers Football Stadium at Ewood Park. It was brilliant. Our guide showed us every nook and cranny of the building. You soon realize that there’s a lot more to football than the eleven players on the pitch. We put on our own Press conference, Matthew acted as captain and valiantly answered any questions posed by the rest of us. We saw the beautiful board room where the likes of Alan Shearer signed his contract. That was impressive but I loved the marble fireplace. There was so much history in that room! All the well known football team plaques hung around the perimeter of the room but two hung, distinctly, by the board room door - Burnley and Man Utd, the great rivals of Blackburn Rovers. When the door opened they wouldn’t have to see them. The players’ changing rooms were brilliant but in contrast, the visitors’ rooms were primitive. I asked Grace to pose in that room so to demonstrate the atmosphere. My favourite was the bit of the building where the players give a synopsis of the game at the end of the match. You would see the sponsors on the wall behind... I took a picture of Alfie, what we, the viewers see, and then a photo of what the room really looks like. By the time we sailed, the kids were eager to get back. Eventually they received their phones and numbers were exchanged. The trip was really memorable for all the right reasons. The children were a credit to their parents and bonded almost immediately with each other. It was simply great!
P5 /6 Trip to CLoughmore Stone
On 7th June P5 /6 walked up to the Cloughmore Stone in Kilbroney Park. We had a fabulous day and we had the opportunity to talk about nature; the different types of trees, spotting different types of habitats and what animals we could possibly spot in Kilbroney. When we reached the Stone, we tried to push it but to no avail. On our way down, we took a rest break and enjoyed hot chocolate made by our guides, Phil and Colm. A great end to a week!