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Our school council organised a fun day for us today. We had hot chocolate and games. It was a great treat.

8 can be a tricky number to write. Today we used play dough to get the shape of our number and also made stats of 8.

This week our nursery rhyme is β€˜Jack and Jill’. Today we had a go at making a bucket. We decided that a bucket needs to have space to hold things, a base and a handle. We loved seeing how the others had made their buckets.

Today we had a go at some woodwork at outdoor play. We enjoyed hammering nails and screwing into the wood. We wore goggles to protect our eyes.

Today we had a visit from Caoimhe who is a forest schools ranger. She is helping us on our Forest School journey. We had great fun at our first ever forest schools session. We had a go a building nests, it was great fun! 🌳😊

Congratulations to Sam who is our player of the month for January. Well done Sam!
