Primary 2
I think we have made an excellent start to this new system of learning, so many of you have accessed our new learning platform Studyladder. I am so pleased that Amelia, Isaac J, Isaac R, Jessica, Matthew and Harry all achieved their Bronze certificates, well done!! And also three children Lois, Isaac A and Joanna achieved their Silver Certificates! What a start to Home Learning!
Reading is so important and I'm delighted that almost all of P2 were using Bug Club this week.
RM easymaths is another great tool we can access so please use it regularly.
The weather has been amazing this week, so many opportunities to run, play, ride bikes and get plenty of exercise and fresh air!
Well Done to Thomas Allen who has been awarded out first Primary 3 Home Learning Certificate! Thomas has worked very hard on Study ladder, completing all his activities and was awarded a Bronze Certificate. Thomas has also been busy on Rm Easymaths, Bug Club and Accelerated Reader. What a busy week you have had Thomas and you managed to get some gardening done and some silage cut! Brilliant!
I can see that Zoe, Emily, Jake, Thomas and Victoria have also been quizzing away on Accelerated Reader.
Sam, Victoria, Thomas, Jake, Kris, Riley and Emily also were awarded their Bronze Certificates on Study Ladder.
Jenson, Thomas, Sam and Emily have been working hard on RM Easymaths.
Bug Club has been very popular this week with Jenson, Sam, Jake, Thomas, Victoria, Riley and Kris.
Don't forget to read each Bug Club book carefully and complete the multiple choice and written activities carefully. Remember every answer should be in a full sentence, with a capital letter and a full stop. It is better to read one or two Bug Club books a week carefully. Some of the fact books are tricky and you should read them a few times so that you can understand and remember all the facts.
Well done to all the boys and girls, mums and dads. This has been a busy week for you all with lots of other things going on. Have a lovely weekend and keep safe.