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Show n Tell with Joey

We wore our wellies to school to support our farming families.

We had great fun celebrating our differences on ‘Odd Socks Day’

Show ‘n’ Tell with Joseph

We had a super morning on our sponsored pedal push. We were able to use our car park to wiz around on all our vehicles. Thanks to the mums and brothers and sisters for coming along to encourage and support us.

We started our hockey lesson on Friday with CR coaching. Our Busy Bees and P1’s took part in a super lesson and impressed Christine with their great listening and determination to improve their hockey skills.

Our new topic is journeys. We have had fun this week with our new rhyme, ‘Stop says the red light’. We loved making traffic lights to help us role play our rhyme.

This week we have been celebrating money week by learning about money in our maths lessons. We set up a fruit and veg shop and had fun paying for things with the money in our purses.
