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We have had lots of fun with our baby topic. We have enjoyed bathing babies, dressing babies and taking them to our baby clinic.

We have been enjoying our topic on babies. Today we had a real baby come to visit our class. Thanks to Jamie’s mum Christine for popping in to visit us with baby Charlie.

Sorting by colour and by size. We enjoy learning outdoors too!

Show n Tell with Elsa

This week our sound is t. Our class troll only eats things beginning with ‘t’ so we had to decide what we could feed him!

Show n Tell with Jamie

This week our sound is s. Our treat at snack we had smiley faces to eat to remind us of our new sound.

We loved searching for ‘s’ pictures in our garden while Busy Bees looked for their hidden names. What great fun we had!

Today our story was ‘Winnie Wagtail’. We loved trying on the animal masks and tails from the story sack.

We were excited to do indoor P.E. today. For some of us it was our first time using the apparatus. We had a great time climbing, jumping and finding different ways to move around.

We have been excited about getting back to school this week. It has been great to see old friends and meet new ones too!
