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Primary 4/5

Welcome to Primary 4/5! We are a hard working class and we always do our best! We are kind!

Number Hunt! We took ourselves outside to hunt high and low for our numbers. We then completed activities using the numbers. We were talking about place value, biggest, smallest, odd, even, before, after and between.

We took our maths games out into the sunshine! Great work everyone!

Our topic is the body and Dr Nicholson kindly brought her kit bag and talked about our bodies. We got the listen to our pulse, check our heart rate and she used her scanner to show us her heart! Thank you so much, we really enjoyed your visit and learned so much!

Declan Carville, a local author came to visit us. He brought along some of his books. He also showed us illustrations from his books and told us how he gets ideas for his stories, we really enjoyed it!

PSNI firework safety talk. Today the police visited us and talked about being careful with sparklers and fireworks over half term.

We harvested the carrots in our garden, they were delicious! We picked, peeled, washed and ate them!

A fireman came from Newtownhamilton fire station to talk to us about fire safety and gave us all a really fun pack of activities.

We have been looking at our teeth and how to look after them, so we put some teeth in coke and in vinegar to see how they would affect them. We also put an egg in vinegar and coke to monitor how it affected the shell of the egg. The acid in the vinegar dissolved the shell and strengthened the membrane which made the egg bounce when we dropped it! We were very surprised by this! The egg felt like rubber!

Ditch the Dark Day! The School Council organised a fun day for us to wear our brightest clothes to remind us to keep safe on darker days in Winter.

We were busy planting new spring bulbs sent to us by The Edina Trust.

Odd Sock Day! As part of Anti-Bullying Week we all wore odd socks to remind us to celebrate our differences. The theme is Choose Respect and we took part in a live lesson and wrote an acrostic poem using the word respect. We are also doing a colouring competition for the anti bullying champions.

Sentinus Science Day. We had a fantastic morning doing a ‘little builders’ workshop, we made numbers, ships and castles! We worked together in groups and produced some really good pieces of work.

Today we wore our wellies to school to show support for our farming community. Many of us live on farms and our families work hard on them.

Exploding food Science Show! Today we welcomed Rok from the Royal Institute of Science who performed a science show for KS1 and KS2, Newtownhamilton PS joined us for these sessions. They looked at how are body digests food and how energy is created from it. In the afternoon we welcomed family and friends for a community science show, it was great to see so many join us in the hall.

Jesse sent us a video of him playing the drums to Jingle Bell Rock. We think he is fantastic! Merry Christmas!

Still image for this video

Santa Daily Mile.

We all enjoyed a fantastic story telling session delivered by the Ulster Scots Agency!

As part of our Garden Birds topic we have started to create our own birdhouses. We worked in groups to cut sections of elder branches and practiced our whittling skills by shaving the outside of the branch to make it smooth. We also had a go at pushing out the soft pith from inside the branch. We learnt so many new skills and can’t wait to see the finished product!

WW2 Evacuation. Today we were evacuated to the city of Armagh to the County Museum. We dressed as evacuees and brought our identity cards, ration books and suitcases as we set off together.
