Friday 12th June
Friday again boys and girls and the end of another week of home learning. Well done to everyone who got onto Study Ladder this week and is continuing to work at the tasks. The following pupils achieved these awards on Study Ladder this week:
Louis - Platinum Trophy
Sam - Silver ribbon
Mina - Platinum Trophy
Grace - Bronze Trophy
You are all working really hard at this stage in June and that is brilliant! We've had a great week thinking about healthy eating. I've been so impressed that a lot of you are growing your own healthy food. Sam and Chloe are on the website showing off their broad beans and peas. That is a great lockdown activity and I think a lot of people have tried growing some food lately.
I hear the sun is coming back over the weekend and it is getting warmer so we'll be able to get out and enjoy the lovely weather again. Have a lovely weekend everyone.
See this weeks certificate winners below.
Monday 8th June
Hi boys and girls welcome back to week 10 of home learning. 10 weeks of home learning!!! can you believe it? Just a reminder to the mums and dads to complete the questionnaire that I sent through email or you can access it via a link on the class page.
There are new tasks on Study Ladder and we all still have books on Bug Club that we can read. Don't forget to send me some pictures of what you get up to this week. I love to see your smiling faces and what you have been doing. I miss you all!
We only have a few weeks to go until you get off for your summer holidays so we need to try to keep up the motivation for study ladder for these last weeks. You have all worked so hard over the past 9 weeks, I am so proud of how you have coped with home learning.
This week we would have celebrated 'healthy eating week' in school. During this week we usually try some new fruits and fruit recipes and we think about how we can eat healthier. Let's try to think about healthy eating this week. Maybe you could try to make a picture out of fruit which you could eat like these.
You might also like to design a healthy eating poster to encourage your classmates to eat more healthy.