Monday 19th June
Well boys and girls it's Friday again. It's a bit wet and dreary here at the minute but we have had nice warm weather this week so hopefully you have been able to enjoy some of it outdoors.
Well done everyone this week for getting onto Study Ladder and completing your tasks. You are doing well with your Study Ladder tasks and I appreciate that it is hard at this time of the year to keep the momentum going. Also well done for continuing to log onto Bug Club and reading your books. You have all worked so hard! Well done to the following pupils for achieving their next award on Study Ladder.
Well done to:
Grace for achieving her Silver trophy
Sam has achieving his Gold ribbon and
Mina for achieving her Bronze ribbon.
Well done to everyone for working really hard.
Below are our certificate winners this week.
Monday 15th June
Hi boys and girls, welcome to week 11 of home learning. Everyone has done so well with Study Ladder, Bug Club and the home learning pack. You have all worked really hard on the tasks and I know at times it hasn't been easy. For all our little people we also need to say a big thankyou to mums and dads for helping us get on with the tasks and getting signed into Study Ladder. Our P1's are not as independent with the computer or the learning as the older children in school so thankyou so much for your dedication and help with your child's learning.
This week there are tasks on Study Ladder as usual and there are books for children to read on Bug Club. This is something that the children could keep up over the summer as their previously read books will still be available and it is good practise to go back to a previously read book to reread. I know it is getting harder to get the Study Ladders tasks completed as the weather gets warmer and you are all tired so thankyou for having a go and doing as many as you can.
This Sunday is Fathers day and it is a time for us to think about the Daddies. If you make or do anything for your dad this week, maybe you could put up a picture of it. To celebrate Fathers day during lockdown maybe you could send me a favourite picture of you and your dad together and I will put it on the website for your class to see.