Welcome to P6 /7 class! We are a busy, happy and an industrious class. We try to 'have a go' and take risks with our learning, think creatively but above all, enjoy what we're doing. Our fantastic classroom assistants are Mrs Kennedy, Mrs Watson and Mrs Patterson. We encourage healthy snacks and enjoy toast on a Wednesday. However we love to see our treat day come every Friday.
As we reach the end of another busy year we would like to wish our P7 class of 2016 all the very best as they start their new adventure in Newtownhamilton High School. You have all been a pleasure to teach and will be missed greatly from the classroom. Keep up all the hard work as you move forward and enjoy your summer break. Mrs Boyle and Mrs Miskelly
P6 pupil Faith Belshaw recently cut 11 inches off her hair to donate it to Little Princess Trust. What a brave and thoughful thing to do Faith. Well done!
Overall winners in the Newtownhamilton Primary School Tournament. Super result!
On Wednesday 18th May the P7's travelled to Slieve Gullion with pupils from Newtownhamilton Primary School. We had a great day with ok lets walk.
On Wednesday P6 travelled to Slieve Gullion and accompanied by Colm and Phil found out all about Slieve Gullion whilst climpbing to the top on what proved to be a very windy day. Here are some pictures showing the great fun and challenges we faced.
On Monday we travelled to the facilities at Kilkluney to participate in the Hemmingway football tournamnet organised by Hamiltonsbawn Primary School. We were unfortnate to be beaten in penalties in the semi final however we did secure a special win. Isaac Preston stood out from the crowd and was awarded player of the tournament which is an excellent achievement. We had goals from Rhys, Isaac and Philip and some excellent defence from Jamie and Caleb in nets. Well done to all the boys.
Today we had the privilidge of travelling to Ardmore to participate in the George Compston Memorial Hockey Tournament organised by our hockey coach Christine. We had a fantastic day and are so proud of our players. We are even more excited to share that our first team won the mixed category and Ellen McBride won player of the tournament in the mixed section. A big achievement for both Ellen and the team. Well done
We had a special visitor in our classroom today. Happy Easter Everyone!
We all dressed in blue for our final day before Easter to raise some money for muscular dystrophy. Here we are on our 'Blue for Ben' day.
It is great to see some spring weather! We really enjoyed getting outside to play football with Chris today.
As part of World Book Week we were very pleased to have Amazing Journey with us in school. They told us all about the greatest book in the world - The Bible!
As part of World Book Week we had author and illustrator Ian Jackson with us. We had a great day making illustrations using Microsoft Paint for The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Hare and the Tortoise.
When the completed pictures were combined in a slideshow some of the older children told the stories to the younger children
Hannah, Ellen and Jenna worked with Ian to put together the story
As part of our Victorian topic work we visited the Palace Stables this week. Here are some of the things we got up to.
We have been working steadily throughout September and October. We have covered quite a few topics in our Maths and sometimes, admittedly, the tasks can be baffling but we do like to have fun along the way. Take a look at some of the P7s in action.
Our learning intention throughout "Maths Week" was to 'let our hair down' and celebrate this subject.
We have been practising our handwriting and our creative writing.
We have also learned a lot about our brains during topic work.
We are proud of our work and we love to display it.
We play hockey every Friday morning with our brilliant coach, Christine Russell. We are improving our skills every week and becoming a very formidable team.
Sometimes a wee break is required.
Sorting out the milk cartons
On 2nd November The Tharps Gospel Choir came to visit our school. We really enjoyed taking part and listening to their singing!
We love Zumba after school on a Thursday!
Jon Nixon
As part of our research for our 50th Celebratory Newspaper, Mr. Jon Nixon, uncle to Lottie in P3, visited the classroom to speak about his footballing achievements. It proved to be very informative and interesting even to those who had no involvement with football.
He spoke about his 'breakthrough' moment in 1970. He recounted how Peterborough paid £15,000 for him in 1974 and therefore became the highest signed player for that club at that time.
The children asked various questions such as: -
- Who was his favourite team mate?
- What team did he support?
- What team would you like to go back to and why?
- How is he involved in football now?
He finished his talk by comparing and contrasting football life as he knew it in the 1970s and what life is like for current professional footballers.
The children enjoyed the talk immensely and we really appreciate Jon taking the time to come to our classroom. My highlight? Looking at his championship medal.
As part of our newspaper project, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of Cortamlet Primary School, Mr. Leonard McBride and Mr. Ivan Bingham visited the classroom.
These gentlemen stood together in the back row of the 1966 school photograph. They grew up together and were great friends in and out of school. (They still are!) They recounted many humorous stories about their time in Cortamlet.
We explored differences between the school in 1965 and school life now. Interestingly we could find many similarities. The men fondly remembered their years at Primary school and held all their teachers in high regard.
Maybe in 50 years time when we celebrate 100 years of Cortamlet, some of the present pupils could be doing a similar talk! We have loved today!
During November P6 /7 are researching, interviewing and taking pictures for the School's 50th Anniversary, which takes place on the 9th December. We are extremely busy and very interesting. We have had more classroom visits from Mrs Beth Frazer, first Principal of the New School and Mrs Lena Brown, a pupil of the school in the 1950s. The children were enthralled with both ladies' experiences. We really appreciated their time with us in the classroom!
Introducing our new buddies until the end of first term!
Unfortunately not the ones with chocolate chips.
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