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We have been loving playing outdoors in September! We are really enjoying our topic of babies. This week we bathed the babies outside and made some baby food in our mud kitchen.

Today we brought our Literacy outdoors. We went on a ‘t’ hunt. Look at how many pictures we found beginning with t!

Each Monday we enjoy learning new skills with the Healthy Kidz leaders.

Show ‘n’ Tell with Sam

The mud kitchen was a big hit today at Play Based Learning. We had great fun making, pouring and spooning potions in our mud kitchen.

Today we had a very special visitor to our class. Baby Tom came to visit with his mum and his big sister. They told us lots of interesting things about babies. The P1’s and Busy Bees can’t believe they were ever as small as Tom.

We really enjoy a healthy, yummy snack each morning in school.

Today was Friday and we love to do puzzles on Friday afternoon.

Today we did some sorting from the treasure box. It was fun to find thing that were the same and make our own sets.

Today we had our first P. E. session on the apparatus indoors. We were very excited about climbing and jumping on the equipment.

Our new topic is ‘Babies’. We have had great fun talking about babies and all the things we know about them and also what we would like to find out. We had a go at dressing some baby dolls from our house corner. It was a tricky business.

We have been matching pictures that are the same. We have been talking about things that are the same and different.

We had a great first week in Primary 1. Look at all those happy faces 😀.
