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Primary 6/7

We travelled to Newtownhamilton High School for their annual hockey tournament. W had a fantastic day and it was wonderful to see the Cortamlet past pupils who mentored our 2 hockey teams. Both teams played their very best and 1 team came home with the shield. Isaac was top goal scorer with 12 goals in total! Excellent performance everyone!

We had a brilliant day at the Sentinus STEM Experience in Craigavon Leisure Centre. Isaac and Noah took part in the K’nex challenge and had to construct a helicopter and a helipad. They had to use a motor to ensure that the propellors spun around. They both did an amazing job! We were all able to enjoy different workshops including use of the BBC Microbit, a Science Space show and a robotics workshop.

Cycling Proficiency Training

Leanne from LMC visited school last week to show us how to make a very tasty dish- Chilli Beef Pasta. It was delicious and we all came home with a recipe book with lots more new recipes to try!

The P6 and P7 boys had a very successful day at the Neil Buckley Memorial Tournament in Loughgall, bringing home the Shield. Thomas was awarded best player of the team

Noah was doing some gardening in our P6/7 planters.

Lois with her fabulous Tullyvallen Hockey Shield for Most Enthusiastic Player - Well Done!

We had a fantastic days hockey at the Ardmore Tournament arranged by our hockey coach Christine. It was brilliant to be able to demonstrate the skills that we have learnt throughout the year and gain experience of playing against other teams. The mixed team won the mixed section and they played their hearts out, with Isaac R being recommended for player of the mixed section. The boys team had very strong competition and they played amazingly, we are so proud of them all and Harry was recommended for player of the boys section. We can’t remember the last time we had a dry day playing hockey at Ardmore either! Well done to you all!

Today, Stephen from Drumlin Windfarm came into school to talk to us about renewable sources of energy. Then we were given the task of making our own wind turbines. We had to make our blades turn and ensure they would not blow over. The finished turbines were excellent! A great day!

The boys played so well at the Football Tournament at Newtownhamilton High School. They made it to the final but lost out on the win in penalties. We are so proud of them all and they represented the school so well!

Den Building in Forest School!

World Book Day 2024. This year we made masks of our favourite story characters. Can you guess who they are?

You know it's Friday when Jeannie's here. She came with a very important anti-vaping message for our P6s and P7s.

Coding with our new BBC Microbits!

Having fun with weights! We enjoyed trying to estimate the weight of some everyday objects including a giant jar of jelly beans. Some of us got really close to the exact weight.

A Visit from the NSPCC - Speak out and Stay Safe!

We all enjoyed another visit from Una. Today we learnt about the Newtownhamilton Hiring Fair and we had a look at the census from 1901 for Cortamlet. We were able to recognise so many local surnames.

Our first Forest School session with Caoimhe from NIFSA. We whittled elder branches to make bubble blowers. We had to use hacksaws to cut the branches, tent pegs to push out the pith and potato peelers to smooth the outside. So many new skills learnt and most importantly we all had fun!

Feel Good Friday!! We had a great day on the Friday before our half term. We played board games and drank hot chocolate. Jack showed me how he solves a rubixs cube in a minute

Studying Local History with Historian, Una Walsh

Today we enjoyed a fantastic trip to Hillsborough Castle. It was great to explore a bit of Northern Ireland’s history. We had time to enjoy the grounds of the castle in the snow and then we learnt what it takes to be a servant in the castle during Victorian times.

Into Film came into school this week to show us how we can turn our story ideas into film. We came up with some fantastic ideas and we are looking forward to seeing our ideas brought to life.

The PSNI came in to talk to us about keeping safe on the farm and especially around farm machinery.

Well done to Harry. He has just been awarded his 200 meters swimming badge and certificate!

Well done to Amelia for achieving a distinction in her recent music exam!!

Harry is the Primary 6 winner of our snowman craft! Well done!

Well done to Zoe who was the winner of our P7 snowman craft!

Well done to Victoria. She was awarded the CR Hockey t-shirt this month!

We did our Santa Daily Mile today!

Painting poppies for Remembrance Day.

Our Shoe Boxes for Ukraine were collected by Harry today . Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Odd Sock Day! Today we all wore our odd socks to school to show that we are all different and each one of us special in our own way,

Lois has been awarded Β£50 for her winning picture which will feature in the Farm and Health Safety Calendar. Congratulations! Well Deserved!

Jack is our first Star Hockey Player! Well done Jack

This week is maths week and we have been concentrating on time for all of our maths lessons. We started with a scavenger hunt around the school garden. We had to work in groups to hunt for the problems to solve.

We enjoyed a fantastic trip to the Navan Centre to learn all about the way of life of the Vikings. We used the Viking Runic Alphabet to write our names. We used quills and ink to write like the Monks, leaving plenty of splodges behind! Then we met some Viking warriors and had the chance to handle some weapons, Isaac was deemed to be the most superior slave however he did not have a successful fate! Finally we had the chance to try on some clothing and learn that not all Vikings were fierce as their reputation says they are!

Our Sponsored Walk. On Friday 29th Spetember we really enjoyed our walk along country roads close to school. The weather was glorious and autumn colours were all around.

Our First Hockey Training Session with Christine Russell. P6 and P7 had great fun brushing up on their skills. It was great to get back on the pitch!

P6 and P7 welcome you to their class!

Riley brought in a very interesting artefact - a sword hilt! This is because we are studying about the Viking Age!

We enjoyed scavenging for different types of nouns throughout the school and sorting them out.

Joanna passed her Grade Two piano exam with a Merit! Congratulations Joanna, we are so proud of you!
