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Class Work

We have been very busy during this half term.  We have been writing non-chronological reports on 'Is Plastic Fantastic?' and working very hard on our numeracy, particularly our mental maths strategies.  Take a look inside our classroom.
We tried to understand why 3 minus minus 2 equals 5.  It's not all easy when you get to P6/7!!angel
Who says Fractions can't be fun?!
Learning how to do Improper Fractions!
We like to focus on our 'Number of the Week'.  We think of all the different properties that this number has.
In ICT, we are trying to create an E-book covering how to do all our mental maths strategies.   We have great fun with this!
P6 have been measuring.  They have made their own measuring tool - a square metre.  They will hopefully measure our hockey pitch in square metres using their tool.